Getting a MHCP is simple.

If you would like to claim any of your psychologist consults through Medicare you’ll need a Mental Health Care Plan and referral letter from your GP.

Book an extended appointment with your GP

Getting a MHCP and referral letter will take on average 30-45 minutes, so you’ll need an extended appointment.

Note: If you have already seen a GP in person in the last 12 months, you may be able to get your MHCP and referral via telehealth.

Ask your GP to prepare a MHCP & referral letter

In this letter they will need to confirm how many sessions you have. If you’re stuck and need a hand, we’re always here to help.

Referral letter should be addressed to:

Mosh platform psychologist
Suite 7210, 31 Hall St
Bondi Beach
NSW, 2026

Your GP can email and fax your MHCP & referral letter to:

[email protected]
(02) 9184 9953

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Getting started
Step 1

Let's get started.

We've got a bit of info to capture, but you'll still be out of our questionnaire quicker than a GP's waiting room. Then our practitioner will have everything they need to provide a personalised recommendation.
