Worried about losing your hair?
Worried about losing your hair?
According to the American Hair Loss Association, 85% of men will have significantly thinner hair by the age of 50. Read on to delve into the causes, prevention and treatments for hair loss.
According to the American Hair Loss Association, 85% of men will have significantly thinner hair by the age of 50. Read on to delve into the causes, prevention and treatments for hair loss.

First, let's break down the causes of hair loss
Genetics: Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) is one of the most common causes of hair loss that occurs as a result of genetic factors that you may have inherited from your parents.
Poor diet: If you notice hair thinning, it may be helpful to closely examine your diet. Iron and protein play a vital role in providing hair loss help to your body.
Testosterone & Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): These are considered as the major culprits of MPB, and the conversion of testosterone to DHT is what makes your hair follicles weaker. DHT shrinks hair follicles and shortens the hair growth cycle, leading to significant hair loss.
Smoking: Toxins in smoke can harm hair follicles and damage hormones. This means that smokers are more at risk, and you might want to consider quitting if you begin to notice intense hair loss.

So, can hair loss be prevented?
Well on the bright side, there are several hair loss prevention techniques and treatment options available. Some of these include-
Medications: There exists a number of medications that can prevent further hair loss and promote hair regrowth in some cases. However, these medications may not be suitable for everyone and can have some potential side effects. This makes it important for one to talk to a doctor before using them.
Hair Growth Vitamins: To promote healthier hair and prevent shedding, hair needs adequate nutrients including proteins, vitamins, and minerals (zinc and iron). Make sure you get these through your diet and food or through additional supplements, such as hair growth vitamins, to keep your hair strong.
Shampoos with essential nutrients: Shampoos that contain essential nutrients also support healthy hair growth. Including them in medical hair loss treatments may increase their effectiveness. Investing in a good shampoo to wash your hair is a good idea since it energises the scalp and nourishes hair.

How long do hair regrowth treatments take before they show results?
Given that everyone’s body chemistry differs, even with the best hair regrowth treatment out there, results would still differ depending on the individual. It's also important to continue using the treatment as directed, even if results are not immediately noticeable, as stopping the treatment can lead to a return of hair loss.

Things to be cautious of when using hair loss treatments
With thousands of websites claiming that they have the best hair regrowth treatment, choosing the right plan can be quite overwhelming. Some men in Australia would research for hours on end, but still end up with an option that doesn’t live up to their expectations. In fact, without the proper guidance, they could experience major side effects or allergic reactions. These include intense itching, red patches, scalp irritation, and even lower levels of libido.
Rather than searching for the best hair loss prevention tips from open online forums or going out of your way to purchase general, over-the-counter hair loss treatments, why not just get the support you need from knowledgeable medical experts? This is where our service at Mosh comes to the rescue. We’re devoted to providing men with the advice they need, and when their situation calls for it, we’ll even recommend expert led treatments for hair loss.